In-House Roundtables Are Coming Your Way

It’s that time of year again—time to embark on a six-city tour for our annual In-House Agency Roundtables. IHAF’s roundtable sessions are informal-yet-intimate discussion groups of 15 to 50 people, hosted by member companies throughout the US.
This year, we’ll be talking about what it means (and what it takes) for in-house agencies to breakthrough by breaking free of the confines of how they are defined and work today—gaining inspiration from teams who have embraced doing things differently and, in turn, are doing things better.
D.C. |
Facilitating each of our half-day sessions is one of the founding members of IHAF, Marta Stiglin—an industry expert and in-house influencer who has been tapped by countless corporate creative agencies for counsel on everything from organizational strategy to professional development to process design.
You’ll also hear from each of our host companies, sharing their stories and, in some locations, touring their facilities for an even-closer look at those teams. No matter which session you choose, you’ll find out what it takes to break from tradition, why sameness is the enemy of excellence, and how embracing “bold and brave” just might enable your organization to reach new pinnacles of performance.
Our In-House Agency Roundtables are open to all varieties of internal advertising and corporate creative teams, regardless of size or life stage. Join us for one (or more) of these dynamic sessions. Register for the city near you and get ready to connect, learn and grow as part of our vibrant community.
Roundtables are open to in-house agency professionals and series sponsors only.
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- agency,
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- brand,
- change,
- charles schwab,
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- excellence,
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- in-house,
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- international monetary fund,
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- los angeles,
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- roundtable,
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- stiglin,
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- wilson sporting goods
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