Workflow Systems: The Ultimate Horserace

Which workflow system is best? It’s a question we hear over and over, which is precisely why IHAF chose Workflow Systems as our topic to explore this month.

At the recently wrapped IHAF Huddlediscussion group series, held in four locations across the U.S., participants concluded that there is no clear winner. The trifecta of workflow systems implementation requires the right combination of process, people and technology.

The process piece starts with mapping—ensuring the steps to get from A to Z for any given project type are clearly defined. The people part is about commitment, performance and accountability. Having process maps is one thing; getting everyone (including your clients) to follow them is another. And finally technology—finding the right platform to automate your marketing, creative and production organizations so that workflow, tracking and productivity are optimized.

This month at IHAF, we’re betting on you to help us examine this topic. We’d like to hear what you think and what your experiences have been in effecting workflow systems that work. Join the conversation through the IHAF blog and Twitter feed. We'll be posting insights from our members and wrapping the topic with a webinar on August 8th—registration details (along with details on how to become an IHAF member) are available at Join us!

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