• Are You Ready to Activate Programmatic Media?

    August 31, 2020

    Is in-house programmatic ad buying the next big thing for brands? In IHAF’s 2019 study, published in partnership with Forrester Research, 18% of in-house agencies reported having a programmatic media function. In contrast, Accenture Interactive and the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s report notes …

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  • Meet an Ambassador: Andy Dean

    January 23, 2017

    • by Davielle Pierrette, IHAF

    Pop Quiz: What IHAF Ambassador had a role in a major motion picture? That would be Andy Dean, Vice President and Creative Director of City Year, who was an extra in The Next Karate Kid.

    These days, Andy acts on behalf of City Year—an education-focused, nonprofit that partners with public schools …

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  • Efficiency through Mob Design (a.k.a. How Four People Worked Faster by Sharing One Computer)

    November 28, 2016

    Today most people have two or three computers. So why would anyone make four people work together on one computer? And, who would be insane enough to force two designers, one marketer, and one product manager to take turns using the same design software on that one computer?

    The answer: a design …

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  • Skills & Tools for Managing Technology

    July 01, 2016

    By now, most in-house agencies have looked for ways to leverage workflow and DAM systems to help them run more efficiently. Many are even on their second- or third-generation solutions. At the same time, others could benefit from taking a step back and thinking more-broadly about how these tools …

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