September 23, 2013
As a child, I was told I was creative—so I believed it. Aren’t all kids creative though? I did have a creative thought process and because I loved all that was art I was labeled “creative.” I loved to make things, explore, sort, compile lists, play games and rearrange the kitchen cabinets. I drew …
September 18, 2013
The IHAF Awards Show judging event took place last week. For a full day, six judges gathered to evaluate and assess, calculate and debate—selecting category winners and one Best of Show. Here’s what Will Burns had say about the day.
“I saw sharks. I saw bugs. I saw boxing gloves, and almost used …
September 16, 2013
My friends and I went out to dinner recently at a fun restaurant in Providence, RI. It was one of those places that offers a “chef’s choice prix fixe”—usually that day’s find at the farmer’s market combined with the chef’s inspiration. When a talented chef at a top restaurant can apply her …
September 11, 2013
This month IHAF is all about creativity and while we certainly would love to talk through all the ways we love to be creative, we have found, as you may have as well, that the creative process often starts as not that creative at all.
It is typical that the best creative emerges out of extensive …
September 09, 2013
The IHAF team is almost entirely focused on designing and executing programming and content to enable the success of our members. We plan events, schedule speakers, collect data, issue reports, develop tools, facilitate discussions, enable networking—all of which is intended to advance the internal …
September 03, 2013
If you’ve been keeping up with The Inside Scoop, you know that every four weeks IHAF highlights a new topic of interest to the in-house agency community—and we blast that content across our digital and social platforms.
Well, when this month’s theme was proposed in a recent IHAF Board meeting, I …
August 19, 2013
Summertime. We’ve been talking about it a lot lately. It’s a time when workloads used to slow down and now ramp up. A time for juggling staff vacations, corralling eager interns, and finding ways to recharge your team’s batteries. Here at IHAF, summer is also a time to recognize the work that in- …
August 14, 2013
As a Creative Director for one of the nation’s leading retailers, I’m always looking for ways to keep our team inspired. What I’ve found is that summer is a great time to recharge creative batteries and build camaraderie among the group. Here are five ways to energize your team this summer: …
August 12, 2013
Whatever happened to summer being a slower season in the agency business? It used to be a time when the pace throttled back—when work volume and deadlines lightened up a little. For the in-house agency at Discovery, I can attest that our volume and pace are as high as ever.
Most folks still take a …
August 05, 2013
Remember summer when you were a kid? For me, summer promised a clean canvas that I filled with long, luxurious days reading books from the bookmobile, long hours at the pool, Girl Scout camp and wonderful visits to Grandma's house. Summer seemed endless and by the time it was over, I was actually …