The Inside Scoop

  • Balancing Creativity with Practicality

    June 09, 2014

    • by John Jacobin, IRS

    Considering how fast organizational needs are changing, it has never been more critical to be flexible and creative in problem solving and decision making. We've seen many adaptive organizations survive who have embraced their workers’ creative thinking as a core business practice and we have seen …

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  • Why Awards Matter (Even When They Don’t)

    June 04, 2014

    In the external agency world, awards are everything. A creative director early in my career once told me to give the client Headline A (the better headline), even though I told him they would probably reject it. I knew that Headline B was also effective and was probably the one they’d want because …

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  • Changing Your Relationship Status

    June 02, 2014

    As the service-minded design group that once was blossoms into a strategic superpower within your organization, you’ll find your team’s credibility growing—and your responsibilities tripling. What do you mean you can’t design an award-winning logo, lead an international conference call, present …

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  • Creative Respect: Earn It, Don't Expect It

    May 26, 2014

    Over my career, I’ve had many conversations with in-house creative colleagues related to getting respect from clients. Actually, I had one last week. Common refrains include, “They just don’t get it” or “They don’t understand design” and my personal favorite, “They’re art directing me!” So, how do …

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  • Are You Stuck in 51/49 Thinking?

    May 19, 2014

    A number of years ago, when I was at Bose, we embarked on a transformative journey—a journey to eradicate 51/49 thinking. What is 51/49? It’s a term we used to characterize the balance of power between the in-house agency and its clients. On one hand when you’re in house, you all work for the same …

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  • Keying In on KPIs

    May 14, 2014

    Taking the time to establish annual success metrics for your in-house agency may not sound like fun to a creative team, but it can reap rewards throughout the year—particularly when it comes to managing clients. Nothing boosts success better than clearly defined key performance indicators (KPIs) …

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  • Managing Clients with a Creative Spark

    May 12, 2014

    I often hear that in-house client relationships can be like walking a fine line of diplomacy, where negotiation can determine the creative direction. Well, I think it’s the creative process that can determine the direction of the relationship.

    The Creative Advantage. Having world-class creative …

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  • Time to Reshape Your Clients’ Approach

    May 07, 2014

    The days when a print piece was the driving force behind a campaign are long gone. While we know this, it may take some effort to migrate the mindset of our clients, who may not be as tuned-in to the changing dynamics of marketing communications today—especially the power of digital.

    Focus on the …

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  • Getting Started with Gamification

    May 05, 2014

    Did you know that according to Gallup, 70% of U.S. employees are not actively engaged? That amounts to $380 billion in lost productivity each year. At Inward, we’re passionate about employee engagement which is why we recommend that our clients consider gamification to drive their engagement …

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  • Hey Clients, Don’t Drink and Draw

    April 28, 2014

    At the ripe old age of 24, I was given the unique opportunity to design a complete corporate identity for a commercial real estate development that was to be erected on the South Shore of Massachusetts, a region that runs south of Boston along the shoreline of the Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays. I …

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