Proving the Value of Your In-House Agency

One of the challenges internal agencies face is proving their value, particularly when it comes to dated stereotypes in relation to external agencies. Not only are in-house agencies contributing creative ideas, they’re contributing to the bottom line—resulting in a value equation that outside providers are hard pressed to match.
So, what constitutes “value” in house?
With the help of over 100 in-house agency professionals, we’ve compiled the top 25 things you can do to prove the value of your team.
- Measure your direct costs if the same work were to be produced outside.
- Compare your speed and throughput against outside agencies.
- Issue a quarterly dashboard to corporate execs detailing the “savings” the in-house agency delivers to the company.
- Measure the impact of your work in the marketplace—nothing says value like ROI.
- Develop a series of business cases that tell the story of the value your in-house agency delivers to the company.
- Tell your value story through infographics.
- From project intake to workflow processes, make it easy for clients to work with the in-house agency.
- Survey your internal clients to measure their satisfaction as customers of the in-house agency.
- Hold quarterly review meetings with clients to address issues that may be preventing your mutual success.
- Publish client kudos and vendor endorsements via email blasts as well as on your Intranet site.
- Circulate trade articles and data that supports the value of the in-house agency model in general.
- Stay abreast of new technology and trends, educating clients on emerging forms of outreach and engagement.
- Get close to the external customer—have your team do market swings or shadow sales people in the field.
- Demonstrate your institutional knowledge by enhancing marketing program strategies.
- Organize monthly lunch-and-learns where your team teaches something new to your clients.
- Develop a blog of thought-leadership pieces that can aid and educate your clients.
- Don’t say “yes” to every project that comes your way—make sure your in-house agency is focused on the work that matters most.
- Establish a gallery that showcases your work.
- Benchmark your creative work against other winning brands within your industry.
- Enter awards shows and win—trumpet your triumphs to clients and corporate executives.
- Foster a creative culture both in how your team operates and your physical environment.
- Legos, licorice, Lincoln logs: become the place your clients go to “get away” from their own stale environments.
- Recruit, hire and retain top talent.
- Build “value” into your team’s individual performance metrics.
- Run quality meetings—AMEN to that!
Want more creative thinking on things like client appreciation, promoting your team, and collaborating with external partners? IHAF has a wide array of focused content in the Research & Resources section of our website. Such goodies are available to IHAF members only, so be sure you’re logged-in to gain access. Not a member of IHAF? That’s easy too—join us!
- advertising,
- agency,
- awards,
- benchmark,
- brainstorm,
- client,
- creative,
- collaboration,
- cost,
- design,
- environment,
- external,
- ideas,
- in-house,
- internal,
- marketing,
- measurement,
- metrics,
- networking,
- partnership,
- presentation,
- process,
- project,
- promote,
- recognition,
- results,
- speed,
- team,
- timing,
- value
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